More often than not, people base the current currency conversion from the United States dollar whether it is or it is not the highest currency today. No matter where they are, tourists usually convert the country's currency to dollar to check how much the equivalent is.
There are different ways on how you could convert the current currency rates without using a pen and a paper. Moreover, you also do not have to look for the nearest money changer just so you can see how much a Rupee costs in U.S. dollars.
If you can have an access to the World Wide Web, you can find a wide array of websites that would allow you to easily convert any currency to another. However, you have to make sure that the currency-converting website is always updated with the changes in the stock market. This is to guarantee that you will only get the most reliable values including the dollar exchange rates.
You might also want to consider currency rates conversion feature in your mobile phone as well. If you would allow this feature to update automatically, then you can make certain that you would be able to convert the dollar exchange rates easily. But you also have to remember that this currency converter feature may sometimes be unreliable. Some mobile phones do not update the information especially if there are glitches in its connection online and other tech issues as well.
But if you really want to make sure about the current exchange rates, do not hesitate to call the local bank or ask the receptionist at the hotel instead. Banks would definitely give you the specific details and even if there are changes from time to time. On the other hand, the currency rates in hotels are often lower than the real rates since they have to gain profit from their customers as well.